Happy New Year! Given how much stuff I post, I figured it might be useful to have a table of contents for what I’ve posted in the last year.
Policy announcements and proposals
There’s a lot of new policy announcements and proposals, from different levels of government, from opposition parties, and from government advisors. I try to summarize the key points.
Feb 21 - Ottawa matches funding for BC Builds
Apr 1 - BC Budget 2024
Apr 3 - Federal government ties $6B infrastructure funding to housing reforms
Apr 8 - Federal budget 2024 preview
Apr 15 - The overall federal housing plan
Apr 17 - Federal budget 2024
Jun 17 - Burnaby multiplexes: more permissive than Vancouver
Jun 24 - Vancouver staff report on Transit-Oriented Development
Jun 25 - Vancouver housing targets and plan
Jul 29 - BC to West Van: you have 30 days
Aug 21 - Poilievre's housing bill would do surprisingly little
Sep 12 - BC to require flush toilets at construction sites with 25 or more workers
Sep 23 - Home ownership at a 40% discount
Sep 24 - Allowing mixed-income social housing
Nov 26 - Latest housing data: completions, housing starts, building permits
Dec 30 - Vancouver budget task force report
Housing Accelerator updates:
Week 17 - Iqaluit and Nunavut, Wall Street Journal article
Week 18 - Summerside, Surrey, Guelph
Week 19 - Burlington, St. Catharines, Saint John, Kingston, Ajax
Week 20 - Fredericton, Richmond, Milton, Whitby, Squamish
Week 21 - agreement with Waterloo, vote in Oakville, rejection in Windsor, Surrey details
Week 22 - Charlottetown, Regina, Coquitlam, low-cost loans for student housing
Week 23 - Ottawa, Abbotsford, Victoria/Campbell River/Comox, rural communities
Week 24 - Edmonton, plus support for smaller communities in Newfoundland, Alberta, and Nova Scotia
Week 25 - Saskatoon, Thunder Bay, Whitehorse, North Vancouver, plus smaller communities in Ontario and New Brunswick
Arguments and explanations
Jan 9 - Homeowners fear change to their neighbourhood, not falling prices
Jan 16 - Auckland’s 2016 upzoning lowered the cost of land per square foot of floor space
Feb 13 - Non-market housing - it helps, but we need market housing to meet the scale of the shortage
Mar 19 - What do city councillors do all day?
Apr 10 - Water metering would provide better incentives to not waste water
Apr 24 - Yes, housing can be cheaper
Apr 29 - The University Endowment Lands: some of the most expensive and underused land in the Vancouver area
May 29 - Shrinkflation: Vancouver apartments are small because cost per square foot is high
Jun 12 - We need excess capacity. If people are building right up to the limits, restrictions are too tight.
Jun 20 - The downside of low taxes
Jun 26 - Municipal finance ideas. You can’t beat something with nothing.
Jun 27 - Yes, home prices are too high
Jul 16 - Learning from practitioners
Aug 27 - Unsold high-rise condos in Burnaby. Investor demand isn’t infinite.
Dec 9 - Is housing unaffordability in Vancouver caused by scarcity or by low wages?
Jan 31 - CityHallWatch on Reddit mobilization
Apr 11 - Letter to Mike Hurley. Austin: building more housing, rents falling
Nov 25 - Rally against the Broadway Plan
Interesting arguments and explanations from other people:
Mar 12 - Jerusalem Demsas on UCSF study: homeless people in California are from California
Mar 20 - Alain Bertaud on Vancouver
Apr 2 - Tom Davidoff on "local democracy" resulting in housing scarcity
Apr 18 - Sydney: what if apartment buildings could be somewhat taller?
May 2 - Michael Wiebe on single-family zoning: reserving land for the rich
May 6 - Globe editorial: "The build-more ethos is (finally) gaining political ground"
Jun 5 - Michael Andersen: Construction costs and rents in Portland
Jul 4 - Arpit Gupta: low property taxes make it harder for younger people to own
Jul 23 - Stephen Quinn interview with New West mayor Patrick Johnstone
Aug 8 - Why housing in Vancouver is about 2X as expensive as Edmonton
Aug 12 - Brendan Dawe on Burnaby: "masters of the old paradigm"
Aug 14 - Class C apartments get cheaper when there's a lot of new "luxury" Class A apartments
Aug 20 - Uytae Lee explains how new "luxury housing" frees up older housing
Oct 16 - Stephen Smith: why are mid-rise elevators 3X as expensive in the US and Canada, compared to Europe?
Presentations and submissions
Jan 18 - Presentation to high school students: Why is housing so scarce and expensive?
Feb 7 - 2024 pre-budget submission
Feb 27 - Presentation at YIMBYtown in Austin: Overcoming risk aversion in BC and Canada
Mar 11 - Slides from a 15-minute talk to investors and small developers
Mar 25 - Presentation at a VANA social event: All the lights are flashing red, all the sirens are going off
Oct 9 - Urbanarium debate #17 on the province asserting its authority over land use. Municipalities regulate new housing like it’s a nuclear power plant, and tax it like it’s a gold mine.
Oct 30 - Presentation to Metro Van board: Taxing land lift is an unreliable source of revenue
Dec 4 - Submission regarding federal proposal to tax vacant land
Individual projects
Besides wider policies, there’s a lot of battles over individual projects, which have to go through the discretionary site-by-site approval process.
Jan 23 - 2015 Main Street: a 25-storey rental building close to SkyTrain
Jan 30 - Speaking notes for 2015 Main Street
Mar 6 - West Point Grey Safeway proposal, 450 market rentals, 115 non-market
May 28 - 130 West Broadway
Sep 11 - North Saanich: Council rejects subdivision of a 23,000 square foot lot
Sep 18 - Speaking notes for 1149 Lynn Valley Road, in the District of North Vancouver
Oct 23 - Will New West city council reject the Columbia Square redevelopment?
Oct 28 - Central Saanich: 1934 Hovey Road. Rejected mixed-income rental and seniors housing.
Nov 12 - A "monstrosity" in "beautiful and exclusive Arbutus Ridge"
The political landscape
Summary of what’s happening in the political realm.
Jan 2 - What's happening in 2024
Feb 29 - Poilievre takes another swipe at Eby
Apr 25 - A sketch of local politics for Josh White: Exasperation and impatience vs. fear and complacency
May 21 - BC Conservatives on housing policy
Sep 4 - David Eby vs. John Rustad
Oct 2 - Mario Canseco: poll on housing
Oct 21 - The BC election: a photo finish
Oct 29 - BC election: BC NDP re-elected with a bare majority
Nov 6 - Trump 2.0: it's happening
Dec 16 - BC NDP and BC Greens reach agreement
What’s happening on the demand side
In the short term, cutting population growth is the biggest lever that the federal government has.
Jan 16 - We need to fix the problem regardless of who's to blame
Jan 25 - Marc Miller imposes province-wide caps on international student numbers
Aug 1 - Are the student caps working?
Aug 29 - Low-wage temporary foreign workers
Sep 5 - Vacancies up, rents down near universities and colleges
Jun 6 - Demographics and housing demand
Jul 11 - Immigration, labour shortages, and housing shortages
Jul 18 - International study in BC
Sep 19 - Student caps appear to be working
Oct 31 - Sharp cuts to immigration targets
Stories from elsewhere
Jan 4 - The US homebuilding boom
Jan 17 - Gradualism in the US
Feb 8 - Cape Breton University and the international student cap
Mar 18 - Calgary: delaying tactic fails
Mar 28 - Doug Ford, NIMBY
May 7 - Federal funding for social housing will be redirected from Ontario to municipalities
May 8 - Oh the Urbanity!: Edmonton is leading on housing reform
May 14 - Oakville rejects four-plexes
Jun 4 - Development charges in Ontario
Jul 25 - 2009: Shrink-wrapping NYC
Jul 31 - Seattle: bricks over housing
Aug 19 - Nova Scotia boom vs. Ontario bust
Aug 22 - Greg Ruben: The dramatic battle over LA's next swing set
Aug 28 - Calls for more housing at the DNC
Oct 3 - The UK is stagnating because it's banned investment in housing, transport, and energy
Nov 5 - Why is Costco building housing over a new store in LA?
Nov 28 - NYC: congestion pricing is back
Congratulations and thanks for all the work you've put in, Russil. It's read and appreciated.
Hey, I found that "Bank of Mom and Dad" chart I mentioned; it's from Britain, and just amazing, how it, to me, clarifies our return to a society with distinct economic classes. I put it at my photoblog today, permanent address: