Sitemap - 2021 - Vancouver Needs More Housing
Video: "Single-family houses are just what people want"
Video: Streamlining Rental Plan approved by council!
Q&A on the Streamlining Rental Plan
High home prices drive new construction, not vice versa
Streamlining Rental decision postponed to December 14
Streamlining Rental public hearing: round three
Summary of opposition arguments
The Economic Implications of Housing Supply (Glaeser and Gyourko, 2018)
Streamlining Rental public hearing: round two
Streamlining Rental public hearing: round one
"It’s easier to elect a pope than to approve a small apartment building in the city of Vancouver"
The residual method of appraisal
A personal story: housing scarcity and domestic violence
Ban on apartments near SkyTrain stations
Will the provincial government step in?
Video: Kennedy Stewart on the affordability of rental vs. owning
Counter-argument: "We're full"