From attending one of the info sessions, the Built Form policy ("Allow a variety of mixed-use low-rise buildings and detached and low-rise housing, particularly multiplexes and townhouses, between 3 to 6 storeys.") could end up being implemented by limiting heights away from major streets or the centre of the village areas. Including in your feedback that 6 storeys (and single egress stair on existing lots) should be allowed throughout the village areas could counter the feedback they are surely getting from people who want to see minimal change.
From attending one of the info sessions, the Built Form policy ("Allow a variety of mixed-use low-rise buildings and detached and low-rise housing, particularly multiplexes and townhouses, between 3 to 6 storeys.") could end up being implemented by limiting heights away from major streets or the centre of the village areas. Including in your feedback that 6 storeys (and single egress stair on existing lots) should be allowed throughout the village areas could counter the feedback they are surely getting from people who want to see minimal change.
Interesting, seems heavily inspired by Seattle’s urban villages plan