Thanks for your informative posts as always. How can we help organize to provide this feedback to the city? It always seems like the city is planning for the housing needs of yesterday without accounting for rezoning delays. How do we encourage the city to plan for future years with a proper workback schedule based on future housing needs?

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Good question. Machiavelli describes the three elements of diplomacy as persuasion, promises, and threats. There's a loosely organized pro-housing community that focuses on persuasion: making arguments for new housing (like this newsletter), writing in comments to the city, and speaking at public hearings.

In terms of threats, I think the provincial government is in the best position to put pressure on the city, which David Eby and the BC NDP have certainly been doing. So the outcome of the October 19 provincial election is extremely important. I've already been door-knocking with the BC NDP, and I'm planning to keep doing it every week.

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I really like some of the policies from the ndp, ie bill47, enhanced care to remove legal fees in icbc claims etc. however, I am not convinced the ndp will be more forceful with municipalities to make bill 47 more feasible. I hope they come out with some clear policy direction on how to add weight to bill 47, but I don’t think ndp will do that because it would be too Pierre poilievre- esque.

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