My 4-storey 18-unit has had to go to volunteer for management. The management companies say they aren't taking on buildings with less than 100 units any more, and prefer over 300.

With 128 new high-rises, I really wonder who is going to manage them.

Quick add: I'm basically 5 stories above the street, and have interacted from my window once in ten years - a few words with a neighbour across the street at the same level. My building is surrounded by taller buildings, most of the street is high-rise, and it means the street is busy enough that you actually pass people on every trip, and often cross paths with a neighbour and a hello. You actually need that density (8-12 stories) to have fair odds on one such encounter every few days.

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Huh, interesting. We're in a 32-unit townhouse complex. Our current property manager seems to be pretty good, but of course the strata council does a lot.

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