Thanks for the info. Always appreciate this.

However I think demovicting residence in low rise to make way for high rise does not make sense. Why destroy any multi family when we have so much single family lots near the east vancouver sky train stations to build multi family with least amount of negative effects on people. Joyce, Nanaimo, 29th ave are all stations that need more density to addressing housing and low ridership

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Thanks, Ed. This was in fact one of the motivations for the Broadway Plan renter protection policy. By imposing more costs on a project that displaces renters (requiring it to pay for increased rent while people are in interim housing, and requiring it to allow people to return at their old rent), it makes those projects more difficult. It's easier for projects to first redevelop sites that have little or no displacement, like the old Denny's at Broadway and Birch, or the office building at Broadway and Granville, or the strip mall at Kingsway and Fraser. https://morehousing.ca/broadway-plan-protecting-renters

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