Q1. What of the exacerbation of congestion of people and traffic? Q2. Would it not be better to campaign for increased density in currently less-dense areas vs. further compounding it in already dense areas?

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People travelling by SkyTrain (or even bus) take up far less road space compared to people travelling by car. So the danger with pushing people further out is that you end up with much more traffic and congestion, with people now having to drive *through* Vancouver neighbourhoods to get to work, instead of being able to commute by transit. https://morehousing.ca/road-space

Surrey is planning to redevelop Semiahmoo Shopping Centre, on the border with White Rock, for high-density housing. I can understand why (it's land that's available for redevelopment), but whoever ends up living there will need a car, so they're going to be contributing far more to regional traffic and congestion than whoever ends up living in high-rises in the Broadway corridor. https://morehousing.ca/shawn-oaks

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I'd say

A1. The broadway subway will increase capacity an enormous amount. Cars vs. subways are not even in the same several orders of magnitude

A2. It's certainly good to add housing to less-dense areas, and you should push council to do that, but consider that if you succeed in preventing housing in already-dense areas you may just end up with no housing in any areas.

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