Vancouver city council has now passed the Broadway Plan by a vote of 7-4, establishing an overall plan for the areas adjacent to the new Broadway Subway. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write in and speak to council!
This Broadway Plan doesn’t rezone any land immediately. When there’s a future application for rezoning, the Broadway Plan will provide guidance for staff and council on what should be approved.
Total of 30,000 additional homes by 2050 (staff report, Figure 7, pp. 21-22)
About one-third strata (staff response to council inquiries, p. 17)
Breakdown (staff report, p. 24):
51% of floor area (15,000 homes) in centres - 500 homes/year
26% of floor area (7,500 homes) in multi-family (RM) areas - 250/year
20% of floor area (6,000 homes) in lower-density (RT) areas - 200/year
Closing comments:
4:12:25 Michael Wiebe - No
4:19:35 Kennedy Stewart - Yes
4:22:20 Pete Fry - Yes
4:24:20 Rebecca Bligh - Yes
4:29:34 Lisa Dominato - Yes
4:34:35 Colleen Hardwick - No
4:39:35 Melissa De Genova - No
4:43:53 Jean Swanson - No
4:48:15 Sarah Kirby-Yung - Yes
4:53:15 Christine Boyle - Yes
4:55:38 Adriane Carr - Yes
Live-tweets by Peter Waldkirch, Frances Bula, Erin Connors, Jen St. Denis.
Staff report - includes overview of the plan, economic viability analysis (Appendix K), summary of public consultation (Appendix J). 3600 survey responses were submitted for the draft plan, about two-thirds in support.
Appendix A - details of the plan
Vancouver council approves contentious Broadway plan. Dan Fumano in the Vancouver Sun.
More Housing: Broadway Plan, my speaking notes
This is the worst decision Vancouver council has ever made. Housing is a complex issue and this was a very 2 dimensional proposal that will cause a lot of immediate harm by displacing renters, and long term harm by creating expensive housing and further eroding the livability of a once great city. Shame.