Speaking of parking requirements, the United Church of Canada wants to build 80 townhouses on a site which is currently a grass field and a parking lot, with 25 of them non-market.
On February 27, Ottawa’s Planning and Housing Committee voted 7-5 to delay the project. CBC, Parking concerns delay vote on affordable units in Orléans.
The number of parking spaces — 20 short of one per unit — was a key sticking point for more than 800 people who signed an online petition opposing the project.
Orléans West-Innes Coun. Laura Dudas introduced the motion to send the plan back on behalf of Orléans East-Cumberland Coun. Matthew Luloff, who is not on the planning committee but whose ward includes the proposed development.
Luloff told the committee Monday "serious outstanding concerns about traffic and parking" require attention before the project should proceed.
This got a fair amount of attention on Twitter. Scott Aitchison, CPC housing critic:
Fortunately, when the Queenswood project came back to the planning committee with minor changes on March 20, it was approved unanimously. Councillors approve Orleans development despite parking concerns.
Agenda for February 27 meeting. 360 Kennedy Lane East is Item 4.8.
Still no shovels in the ground as of July 22, 2023. What happened to inclusionary zoning, particularly by transit.