This weekend, Peter Waldkirch of Abundant Housing Vancouver is leading a walking tour of Kitsilano. Going on a previous walking tour (“Vancouver’s Worst Zoning”) led by Peter in 2021 got me involved in the pro-housing community, so I’d highly recommend it!
When: Saturday May 4, 2:30 to 4:15 (and maybe some socializing after)
Where: Meet at Arbutus Coffee, 2200 Arbutus
From the event registration link:
OPEN - No registration required. If this walk appears to be "SOLD OUT" you can still just show up for the walk as there is no limit to the number of participants.
Description: Why aren't there more homes in Kitsilano? Land use in Kits hasn't changed much in 50 years. What are the trade-offs and consequences of the city's goal of prioritizing the status quo? This walk explores the history of where apartments in Kits are allowed to be built, the battles against them, and asks: what outcomes do we want in the 21st century?
Part of Jane’s Walk Vancouver, 2024.
There’s a walking tour on Friday, with Uytae Lee, that also looks quite interesting: The Mansion District Effect. But it’s not marked as “OPEN,” so it may be sold out.
Description:We will walk through the Riley Park / Little Mountain neighbourhood to observe an interesting architectural phenomenon - something I call the Mansion District Effect. Due to a unique combination of the area's land-values, lot-sizes, and zoning bylaws, houses here are increasingly being redeveloped into bespoke and luxurious homes that could easily belong in a architectural magazine.