Image of the day: housing permits in US cities
Austin is building far more than either San Francisco or Manhattan
“Why is Texas booming?”
Yeah, it’s a real mystery.
Here's the link if you want to play around with it:
It includes Canadian data! Metro Vancouver vs. Edmonton, per capita. Edmonton has a stronger boom/bust cycle, building much more during booms.
Thanks. For other readers, Austin TX has almost precisely 1M pop, so it would be at "18" on the second chart, whereas SF, CA, would be at 0.87M, and thus at 2 on the 2nd chart, a fifth of Vancouver's rate.
NB: SF is f****d.
So are the Edmontonians who were available in 2014 to be building 30% more housing than they are there now, available to move to Vancouver for a few years? How come Edmonton gets to spike up construction when it wants, and Vancouver can't seem to?