Oh the Urbanity!: A vacant lot in Scarborough
Opposition to rental and affordable housing in Toronto, near a GO train station
A video which tells the infuriating story of a vacant lot in Scarborough, 80 Dale Avenue, less than a 15-minute walk from Guildwood train station. It was sold for affordable housing in 2017. In 2018, the developer applied to the city of Toronto to build a rental project with a 27-storey high-rise building and stacked townhouses, 386 homes total, 116 affordable.
The neighbours opposed it, as did the local ward councillor, Gary Crawford. Facebook post by Crawford, May 2018:
Very recently I learned that a proposal for 80 Dale Avenue was submitted to the City, and immediately I met with City Planning and with the developer to express my strong opposition to the current plans.
Affordable housing is essential, and I fully support the objectives to meet the much needed demand for it, however I absolutely will not support the proposed 27 storey application at this location.
There are outstanding issues related to traffic concerns, which in fact, pre-date the current application. It is unacceptable to move forward with any proposal that adds to the congestion and traffic related safety issues. Density, impacts to green space, congestion are all serious concerns.
As you are no doubt aware, there is a long process involved with any application and we are just now at the very beginning of that process.
I stand strong with the community regarding this development, and will ensure all voices are heard.
The city negotiated the proposal down to a smaller project (12-storey and 7-storey buildings, 285 homes total, 49 affordable) which was finally approved in September 2021.
A neighbouring 17-storey condo building then filed a legal appeal! (Cost of filing the appeal: $1100.) After several months of delay, the appeal was withdrawn in 2022.
In the five years since the initial proposal in 2018, interest rates have almost doubled, and construction costs have risen by 70%. Construction hasn't started. The lot is still vacant.
We have people who want to live in Toronto and Vancouver, and we have other people who want to build housing for them. The reason we have such a terrible shortage of housing is that we make it so hard to get permission!
Agenda and minutes for Scarborough Community Council public meeting, September 17, 2021